A Difficult Decision

Facet Music has consulted the government and Alberta Health Services about holding concerts in light of the situation with the coronavirus outbreak in China. Their answer was ”the risk is extremely low”. Unfortunately, this doesn’t account for the community’s fear of gatherings right now, which will drastically affect attendance of our upcoming events.

It is therefore with great regret that Facet Music has decided to cancel the February 2 show of Song of the Phoenix - 2020 Calgary Chinese New Year Concert.

However, we will go ahead with the February 1 show. We will combine the audience from both nights onto that evening. If any ticket holders for the February 2 show do not wish to come on February 1, we will refund their tickets. We will contact ticket holders presently.

Facet Music is donating half the box office proceeds toward providing protective face masks and other medical supplies to those who need them in China.

We sincerely hope for your understanding under these difficult circumstances.

- Facet Music